Tag Archives: Downward Facing Dog

How to use Balasana to increase your enjoyment of yoga

Alice is feeling as wilted as the flowers she saw in a store window on the way to yoga class. She is doing a vigorous yoga practice and has run out of energy. But Alice has a plan to bring fresh energy to her practice. She is taking a break in Balasana. What is Balasana […]

How to keep yoga from being a pain in the back

This is the moment that Bob has been looking forward to with mixed emotions.   The class is about to do Downward Facing Dog. Today Bob is looking forward to doing the pose for the first time ever. In the past he has dreaded doing Downward Facing Dog.  It has always caused him pain in his […]

How to avoid injuring your wrists in Downward Facing Dog

A while ago I published an article about this topic.  Now there is a video covering the same topic. There are three things that you can do to protect your wrists in Downward Facing Dog.  You can either read the article above or watch the video below to find out more. If you want to […]