Tag Archives: Journey

Why you should embrace the Ugly Duckling pose

For a change Bob is happy. His teacher has just announced that the next pose is Marichyasana C. Bob used to hate this pose. This was his personal Ugly Duckling Pose. When Bob attempted Marichyasana C it looked nothing like the pose that everyone around him was doing. It took Bob a long time but […]

How to use the Russian Doll technique in your yoga practice

Alice got a unique gift for Christmas.  She got a large wooden doll with a sign on it that said “Open me”. Alice discovered that the doll had a seam around its middle. She twisted it in half and it came apart.  Alice was surprised to discover that there was another smaller doll inside the […]

How to avoid the Petrified Tree Effect after your First Yoga Class

The TV shows a close up of a tree.  This tree has not moved in over 225 million years. Alice is sitting at home in her bathrobe watching a documentary on the Petrified Forest National Park in northeastern Arizona by the National Geographic Society after her first yoga class. Alice is glad that she listened […]