Tag Archives: Getting started

How do you hurt yourself in yoga class

“Why are there so many people with yoga injuries?” asked Nancy, the receptionist at my physiotherapy clinic. They have been noticing an increase in yoga related injuries over the last couple of years. “The reason for the increase in yoga injuries is the increasing popularity of yoga.” Alice told Nancy as she sipped her coffee. […]

Why you should talk to your yoga teacher

“Come on, I will introduce you to my teacher.” Alice said to Elizabeth as they entered the yoga studio. Alice’s teacher was there talking to a few other students as they entered. Elizabeth needs to talk to her teacher about many different things at different times: Before class After class During class This is Elizabeth’s […]

How to have a healthy heart; do more yoga

“Alice, I need more aerobic activity in my life if I want to stay healthy and avoid a heart attack!” Elizabeth recently read an article in the Readers Digest that got her thinking about her lifestyle. The article was talking about the benefits of aerobic exercise on the health of your body. The article said […]