How to tell when you are ready to do lotus pose; check your thumper factor

Deer at edge of lake

Bambi waited at the side of the lake as Thumper runs out on to the ice.

Thumper runs out into the middle of the lake. He does not sink because the water is frozen. He stops in the middle turns and calls to Bambi “Come on out Bambi. The water is stiff, see.” Thumper whacks the ice rapidly with his foot. This is the Thumper Factor.

You can use the Thumper Factor to test if you are ready to do Lotus pose.

What is Lotus pose

Lotus is called Padmasana (pronounced pod-MAHS-Anna) in Sanskrit. It is a seated yoga pose that is often used for meditating.
Lotus pose calms the brain, stimulates the pelvis, spine, abdomen, and bladder. It stretches the ankles and knees.

Lotus also eases menstrual discomfort and sciatica. Consistent practice of this pose until late into your pregnancy will make childbirth easier.

Lotus pose is challenging to do if your hips are not flexible enough.

How to do Lotus pose

Sit on your mat in Dandasana with your legs in front of you and your torso rising up out of your hips.

From here fold your right leg in half placing your right ankle on top of your left thigh just above your knee. Move your right foot up your left thigh until your heel is pressing into your abdomen. This is half lotus.

Next you fold your left leg and bring your left ankle on top of your right thigh. Now you slide your left foot up your thigh until your heel is pressing into your abdomen. This is full lotus.

To complete the pose both of your knees are resting on your mat and there is no discomfort in your ankles or knees.

If you find it difficult or impossible to get into the pose it is time to check out your Thumper Factor.

What is the Thumper Factor

Like Thumper in the movie you are going to thump your leg on your mat to show your readiness for lotus pose.

Sitting in Dandasana fold your right leg into half lotus. Now lift your right knee up and like Thumper in the movie thump your mat with your folded right leg.

How does the Thumper Factor tell you when you are ready for full Lotus

Move your right leg into half lotus as described above. If you can thump your mat with your right leg then you are ready for lotus pose with your right leg.

Use the Thumper Factor to find out if both of your legs are ready for Lotus pose.

Repeat the test with your left leg. If you can thump your mat with both legs you are ready to do full lotus pose.

The Thumper Factor test demonstrates how much flexibility you have in your hip. To do lotus pose you need a lot of external rotation of your thigh in the hip socket.

If you are unable to thump your mat you do not have enough flexibility in your hips and you are in danger of injuring one or both of your knees.

You may have enough Thumper Factor in one leg but not the other.

Why does one leg have a better Thumper Factor than the other?

It is not unusual to be more flexible on one side of your body than on the other. The Thumper Factor test shows you which side is ready for lotus and which side requires more work to reach the required flexibility.


Thumper shows Bambi that the water is stiff by applying the Thumper Factor.

You can use the Thumper Factor to see if your hip and thigh joint is too stiff for you to do lotus pose safely. You may discover that your Thumper Factor is good with one leg but the other leg needs more work.

Next Step

Your teacher can help you with some hip opening poses to increase your Thumper Factor and move you towards being able to do full lotus pose.

Additional Reading

The article How to increase your hip flexibility: look to the number four helps you prepare for lotus pose without putting stress on your knee.

You use your Edge to improve your Thumper Factor test. The article How to use your Edge to stay on the cliff demonstrates using your Edge.

While developing the flexibility you need in your hip you must manage your ego. How to manage Peacock Envy in your yoga practice shows you how to accomplish this feat.

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Jack teaches Ashtanga yoga exclusively at Sunrise Yoga Studio in Dartmouth NS. The studio also offers prenatal, Kripalu, Yin, and Power yoga classes.