You need a tavel visa

I decided to wait a little while after the shots and passport acquisition before getting the travel visa.  One of the reasons to wait is that the visa time interval is active from the date it is issued to you and not from the date you enter the country.

Step one

I went to Indian Consulate website in Canada and reviewed the information about the visa application.

You won’t believe it!  The land of out sourcing has out sourced their visa application process.  I went off to the VFS Global website in Canada to find out about the visa application.

Another Passport photo

I need another passport photo to go with the application.    Back to Black’s Photo supply, where I had gotten my previous passport photo done.  I told them I need another set.  They do not keep the old negatives on file for more than 24 hours.  Its time to get my picture taken again.  I picked up the photos the next day and went home to complete the form and send it in.

Complete the form

I went to the India consulate website and reviewed the information they had there about completing the application.  I had gotten the wrong size passport photo.  It pays (about $24) to read the application completely before you rush off to complete the steps.  The passport photo they wanted was a different size from the Canadian passport photo.  They need 45 mm x 35 mm.

Yet Another Passport photo

Back to Blacks once more to get the passport photo done to the correct size.  Another $24 and another day later, I am ready to complete the form again.

Complete the form #2

I print off the form fill it in in.  It has to be completed in handwritten block letters (That’s all capitals).   It takes about three tries to get the second sheet of the two sheet form completed correctly.

Now off to the VFS Global website to see about the fees and where to send it to.  That is when I discovered that there is a slightly different form to be completed and the passport photo needs to be a different size.  3.5 x 3.5 mm.  I can’t trim this one to fit. The head in the picture will be the wrong size.

The final passport photo

Off to Blacks one final time.  This time I take the application form with me and show them the requirements.  We get the photo taken and twenty minutes later (and $24 poorer) I have my final set of passport photos to exactly the correct size.

The photos need to be glued to the application.

I transcribe the information from the first application to the second application.  It takes a couple tries to get it correct.  Several copies later I have a completed application form and the proper passport photo attached.

Paying the fees

Off to the bank to get the fees for the visa application.  VFS Global requires a money order.  No problem or so I thought.

I go to the bank and we get a money order made.  It takes a couple of tries to get the name of the company printed on the money order.

Home I go and I put all of the stuff together.  Tomorrow I will go to the post office and send it on its way.

The stuff they need is:

  • Application form with correct size passport photo.  No problem, I have it filled out finally with the photo attached and it is the correct size.  I checked it twice.
  • A valid passport.  It has to be valid for more than six months after my return date.  No problem, it is brand new.
  • A return envelope (A SASE – Self Addressed, Stamped, Envelope)  No problem I can get that at the post office.
  • The money order.  The money order is made out for the correct amount. The name on the money order is wrong.

Back to the Bank

I go back to the bank the next morning and we get another new money order made.  This time we both validate that the name is correct on the money order.  It should be VFS Global and it was VSF Global.  A very small difference but it could have caused all kinds of grief.

Off to the Post Office

At the post office we get two express mail envelopes filled out one with their address on and the other with my address on it.  We put all of the stuff: application with correct sized photo; money order; my brand new passport; and the return envelope  into the one envelop.  I send it register mail with a signature required to make sure that it does not get lost.

It’s the beginning of December and it will take VFS about 10 business days to process the application.  It might be back before Christmas or shortly afterwards.

The Travel visa arrived

The visa arrived before Christmas and there was no problems with the application.

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3 thoughts on “You need a tavel visa

  1. You can create valid passport photos with website.
    It uses face detection to set size and position of head.
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    Built-in standards for 63 countries.
    Homogenous background is important!

  2. Hi..I am reading your page for a few days now is there any way to subscribe by email

  3. I need to modify the theme and add the ability to subscribe via email. It’s on the list of things to do. It is down the list a little bit unfortunately.

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