Sun Salute A Exit to Tadasana

Exhale, lower the arms and gaze to the horizon

Exit to Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

In the previous position Urdhva Hastasana (Upward Hand posture) you have your arms up over your head and you are gazing up towards your thumbs.

Now we are going to finish the Sun Salute by

  • exhaling
  • lowering your arms down to your sides and
  • gazing towards the horizon

How to do it

Firm Uddiyana Bundha and start to exhale.

Move your hands apart and start to take your arms out to the sides.  Your palms are facing each other and your shoulders are down your back away from your ears.

Continue to lower your arms and gradually drop your gaze down towards the horizon.

As your arms come down to shoulder height start to turn your palms towards the front with your thumbs turning up.

When your arms are about half way from should height to resting against your thighs your palms should be facing towards the front.  Continue lowering your arms towards your thighs and turning your palms in towards your thighs.

By the time your arms reach your thighs your palms should be facing inwards towards your thighs.

Once your arms are at your side and your gaze is to the horizon you have finished your Sun Salute and you are now standing in Tadasana.


Crowded space variation

If you are in a crowded room with the mats laid out really close to each other there are two arm variations you can use to avoid hitting the person next to you when you swing your arms out to the side.

Option 1 : Stagger your mats

This option will require some co-ordination with your neighbors.  The person in the middle should step forward one step and the people on either side should take one step back.   This way when you swing your arms out to the side the people beside you will not be hit by your arms.

Option 2: Swing the arms forward and down rather than out to the side

With the arms up overhead, firm Uddiyana Bundha and begin to exhale.  Turn the palms forward and take your arms forward and down rather than out towards the side.

Bring the arms down to your thighs.


Keep your shoulders down the back away from your ears this will avoid causing stress to your neck and shoulders.


This is the end of the Sun Salute A series of postures.

Previous Position (Arms up)

Sun Salute Article List

Written by

Jack teaches Ashtanga yoga exclusively at Sunrise Yoga Studio in Dartmouth NS. The studio also offers prenatal, Kripalu, Yin, and Power yoga classes.