How to avoid the Mom impact – clean up after yoga class

Mom Scolding

There is an easy way to avoid the Mom Impact at yoga class.

I can’t remember how many times Mom came into my room and said “This place is a pig sty. You can’t go out and play until your room is clean and tidy.” Mom had a major impact on my plans for the day.

And there I was stuck inside on a beautiful warm sunny day. I put the toys away, the dirty clothes in the laundry hamper, the clean clothes in the dresser and fresh linens on the bed. It took me two hours to get everything away.

After an inspection from Mom I could go outside and play.

There are few things you can do that the yoga studio after the class is over to avoid the Mom Impact from your yoga teacher:

  • Put your props away
  • Clean your mat
  • Clean up your sweat
  • Clean up your crumbs

Putting your stuff away is the first step.

Put your props away

During yoga class you accumulated some props to help you with your yoga poses. Now that the yoga class is over it is time to return the yoga props to their storage place.

Leaving your props scattered all over the floor is a safety hazard. Someone may trip over them fall down and hurt themselves or those around them.

Expecting someone to clean up your mess is rude. Your Mom expected you to clean up your own room, she expects the same thing from you in your yoga class.

Take a couple of minutes and put your props away.

After you put your props away it is time to clean your yoga mat.

Clean your mat

During your yoga practice your yoga mat will get dirty. You leave dead skin from your feet on your mat as you move around on your mat. If you did a vigorous practice you will leave some sweat behind on your mat too.

These two things cause you mat to be stinky.

Cleaning your mat on regular basis will keep it clean and smelling fresh. I quick wipe with a cloth and a vinegar and water solution extend the life of your mat.

You and your neighbours will appreciate a fresh smelling yoga mat.

There is one more task to do now that you have put your props away and cleaned up your mat.

To avoid the Mom Impact check the floor around your mat.

Clean up your sweat

Check for sweat around your mat. A vigorous yoga practice will result in sweat landing on your mat and on the floor around you.

Leaving a sweaty floor is not only yucky it is a safety hazard. Someone may step in your sweat slip and fall down.

Use a cloth and wipe up the sweat that has fallen on the floor around your mat.

The last thing you need to do is check for mat crumbs.

Clean up your crumbs

Over time your mat will start to shed small pieces which will end up on the floor. These mat crumbs are unsightly.

Your Mom is not happy with a messy floor and mat crumbs are definitely included in messy.

To avoid the Mom Impact clean up your crumbs. Once again use a cloth to collect all your mat crumbs and put them in the trash.


You can avoid the Mom Impact by

  • putting your props away
  • cleaning your mat
  • wiping up your sweat and
  • putting your mat crumbs in the trash.

If you do all these things your Mom will be proud of you. Your yoga neighbours, and your yoga teacher will be pleased with you also.

Next Step

Before you leave the yoga room check your space to make sure everything is put away and the space is clean.

Additional Reading

For a more enjoyable yoga class read How to eliminate the train station flow in your yoga class.

The article What to do when you are sweating enough to float a boat helps you manage your sweat during yoga class.

Before your class starts you can avoid problems by following the advice in How to avoid the war of the mats.

Written by

Jack teaches Ashtanga yoga exclusively at Sunrise Yoga Studio in Dartmouth NS. The studio also offers prenatal, Kripalu, Yin, and Power yoga classes.