Goa Trip Feedback

I was asked to write a short article about our trip to Goa for the Yoga Atlantic newsletter.   I sent an email to the group and asked them for their feedback.

Please tell me

  • What you really liked about the yoga
  • What you really liked about the resort / area / tourist aspects
  • What you would like to see different

I got responses from three folks – Vanessa, Erin and Katie.

Vanessa’s feedback

What you really liked about the yoga

I had never done a mysore practice before so it was a great (scary at first) learning experience and built my confidence.
I really enjoyed the prayer at the beginning of practice.  I definitely advanced my practice (I now know the primary sequence) and am now able to do poses I had never done before – this continued on after I got back.  For example, I can now put my feet flat in downward dog!
I compare it to language immersion, you can’t help but learn and become more confident when you practice everyday.  This confidence and advancement of my practice was probably the most valuable take away for me.
Learning ashtanga in its pure form from Nancy was a great privilege.  She took one look at me and asked if I had lower back issues and gave me some valuable corrections which I have incorporated into my practice.
The tips learned throughout were little gems of information like Jason telling us not to press palms tightly together in prayer (can’t remember term for that) but rather hold them more loosely as if you were holding a lotus in your palms.
I also really enjoyed the loving kindness meditation and Nancy’s talks to learn more about the reasons behind the poses, the history of ashtanga.
I certainly got bitten by the yoga bug during the retreat.
It was also great to meet all the different people at the retreat from different countries, backgrounds and lifestyles.  Meeting new people is always a great experience and they were all very supportive and friendly.

What you really liked about the resort / area / tourist aspects

The resort was a beautiful, relaxing place – I will always remember the vibrant colors, the great pool, fresh coconut water after practice, the juice hut, ayurvedic hut, friendly staff, great food and the peacefulness that the place had.  Access to taxis at the entrance to the retreat was very convenient.
The beaches of course were amazing and everything was within a short drive away so very convenient.
Being able to walk to Villa Blanche and the Cheshire Cat was also another option.
I also liked the vendors coming to the retreat to sell clothes, jewellery etc…  The night market was a memorable experience but I preferred the Anjuna market during the day, it was easier to get around and less overwhelming.  The markets were a riot of colors and smells that you’ll never forget.

What you would like to see different

The beds at the resort were like sleeping on a wooden table if you ask me. More comfrtable beds would defiitely help.
Access to snacks outside of the regular Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner schedule would be a great addition.

Erin’s feedback

What you really liked about the yoga

I really liked her laid-back approach to yoga, stressing that yoga should be fun.
I liked the fact that she moves people along through the series so quickly, so that people aren’t held back because they can’t get into a particular posture. She made it seem like it is not such a big deal to just do it!

It was great practicing every day, and she gave very intuitive adjustments that felt fantastic.

What you really liked about the resort / area / tourist aspects

I really liked the location of the resort, it was nice that it was away from the hustle and bustle of other areas in Goa.

The food at the resort was fantastic…so delicious.The beaches were lovely and also really enjoyed the markets.

What you would like to see different

I am drawing a blank right now. I will update you if I think of anything!

Katie’s feedback

What you really liked about the yoga

I liked Nancy’s approach to Ashtanga, the “fun” factor and not taking it seriously, not focusing on so-called physical progress.

I also liked that she allowed us to do the practice as a whole, as it was designed, not stopping people at poses they have difficulty with, instead helping us so we can all experience the energy and benefits of the practice.

What you really liked about the resort / area / tourist aspects

The staff of the resort were very helpful and kind.

The pool and juice bar were my favorite parts about the resort.

What you would like to see different

I wouldnt change a thing about the experience, other than maybe the concrete floor we practiced on, which wasnt that big of a deal and the shala itself was a beautiful place to practice.

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Jack teaches Ashtanga yoga exclusively at Sunrise Yoga Studio in Dartmouth NS. The studio also offers prenatal, Kripalu, Yin, and Power yoga classes.