Why 9 is the best number of repetitions

That truck is HUGE!

We are watching a video on creating stainless steel from iron ore. Our teacher said this video will help us to understand why a transformation happens after 9 repetitions of a qigong movement.

The video begins with the mining of the raw ore.  That huge truck takes the iron ore to the refinery.

The iron ore is refined to remove some of the impurities.

The refined ore is sent to a smelter where it is poured into a blast furnace.  The ore is melted in the blast furnace and more of the impurities are removed.

Carbon and other elements are added to the molten iron to change it into steel. 

Finally, more elements are added that turn the plain steel is transformed into stainless steel.

The video came to an end with the molten steel being poured into a mold and allowed to cool.

The raw iron ore has been transformed into stainless steel.

We are watching this video because our teacher said “A transformation happens when you do nine repetitions of a qigong movement!”

Someone asked “Why 9?”

Our teacher explained that the iron ore represents your physical body (Jing). The heat in the blast furnace is your breath (Qi) and the process of transforming the raw iron ore into stainless steel is managed by your thoughts and intention (Shen).

In our Qigong practice we use the heat generated by our breath to heal and improve the health of our body.  The more we focus our mind on the transformation process the more success we have.

The 9 repetitions and the transformation has to do with Yin Yang and the 8 trigrams.

What is Yin & Yang

The concept was developed over five thousand years ago by observing the sun moving throughout the heavens during the day and the seasons of the year.

A gradual change occurs from maximum Yang at the summer solstice through the fall into maximum Yin at the winter solstice.  The stages of the journey from maximum Yang to maximum Yin and back to maximum Yang is depicted by the 8 trigrams.

What are the Eight Trigrams?

The eight trigrams symbolize all the natural phenomena in our world. They come in pairs that have a yin and a yang aspect.  Heaven is Yang while Earth is Yin. Fire is Yang and Water is Yin. And so on around the circle.

A trigram is made up of three lines either solid or broken.  The solid lines are Yang and the broken lines are Yin.  The bottom line (the one closest to the Yin Yang symbol above) determines whether the trigram is part of the Yin or Yang group. The four trigrams on the bottom and to the right are Yin while the ones on the top and to the left are Yang.

The 8 trigrams are arranged around the Yin Yang symbol in a circle.  As we move through the day and throughout the seasons, we move from one trigram to the next. 

Why is 9 the best repeat

Our teacher explains that 9 repetitions is the goal because a transformation will occur when we complete the ninth one.

In the Iron Ore to Stainless steel process, there are many steps to transform the raw ore into stainless steel.  In the same way we move around the eight trigrams taking our body through all the states of Yin & Yang.

We start by moving from the top down to the left to Young Yang with the first repetition.  The second repetition you move to Middle Yang and so on around the circle. 

The eighth trigram Supreme Yang represents the most movement of Qi in our body.

The ninth repetition, further purifies and forges the essences of jing, qi and shen into the elixir that is deposited into the brass basin.

It is necessary to move through the eight states of Yin and Yang before this pure elixir can be created.

Does this transformation always happen?

Your shen is essential in the creation of the drop of elixir and the immortal fetus.  The more your shen (mind, intention) is focused on co-ordinating your qi (breath) and jing (physical movement) the more success you will have in creating this elixir.

If your shen is not focused it is unlikely that the transformation will occur.

But I don’t have enough time to do 9 repeats

If you are constrained for time then it is better to complete an odd number of repetitions.  1, 3, 5, 7 are your next best choices after 9.

An odd number of repetitions leaves your body in a Yang state with qi circulating throughout your body.

Does each side of a Qigong movement count towards 9 repeats

Several qigong movements have a left and right side. The right side is the Yin side and the Yang side is on the left. The two sides count as one towards the total of nine repetitions.


The HUGE truck is just one step in the process of changing iron ore into stainless steel. 

In the same way there are many steps required to create the pure elixir from your jing, qi and shen in your Qigong practice.

Looking at Yin and Yang you see that there are 8 states of Yin and Yang which are represented by the 8 trigrams.

The first 8 repetitions are preparing your jing, qi and shen to produce a drop of pure elixir at the end of the ninth repetition and deposit it in the brass basin.

To ensure success you need to keep your shen focused on the task of leading your qi and co-ordinating your jing through all 9 revolutions.

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Jack teaches Tai Chi & Qigong in Dartmouth NS. He teaches class via Zoom and in person. In person classes are at North Woodside Community Centre as well as outdoors. Jack also teaches at the Canadian College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (CCATCM). He teaches the students how to include Qigong in their Acupuncture practice.