Kids in yoga class

Kids in yoga

Kids in Yoga

I have been getting many calls about children being able to attend yoga classes.

  • Can children come to regular classes.
  • Are there dedicated classes for children.
  • Is there an age limit for children.

Is there an age limit for children in class

We have had children of many different ages in our classes.

Junior High aged children are the youngest age to come to class on their own.  We have had several of these kids in our classes completing their requirements for the Duke of Edinburgh Award over the last few years.  One of the requirements is to do a type of exercise that is new to them.

Elementary school aged children coming with one of their parent’s has worked out well as well.  Generally this age group is too young to attend class on their own.

Children younger than Elementary school have not be able to maintain an interest in the yoga practice for the entire time period of the class and generally lose interest.

Children in Regular class or Dedicated class
For the past few years we have been including children in our regular classes.  We have not have enough demand to warrant the creation of a dedicated class for a particular age range.

February 2009 Newsletter

photo by Ruthieki

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Jack teaches Tai Chi & Qigong in Dartmouth NS. He teaches class via Zoom and in person. In person classes are at North Woodside Community Centre as well as outdoors. Jack also teaches at the Canadian College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (CCATCM). He teaches the students how to include Qigong in their Acupuncture practice.